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The Lyric is a theatre with a national reputation for delivering transformative programmes for young people. START is our accredited six week performance programme for NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people aged 16-25 from West London.

START provides a space for young people to creatively explore the world of performance, working over six weeks to create a new piece of theatre that responds to the themes of a Lyric Main House production, led by theatre professionals. Through engaging with drama activities, skill sharing, and watching live performances, the START cohort will build on their self-confidence, collaboration skills, emotional resilience, and self-esteem. Through this, the cohort will cultivate a group ethic of inclusivity, accessibility, encouragement, respect and affirmation. This project is underpinned by a Bronze Arts Award accreditation.

We accept referrals all year-round; you are able to complete a referral via the form below. We will be in touch with the referred young person regarding the nearest applicable term of START.


The START term dates for the academic year of 2024-5 are:

  1. Autumn Term: w/c 28 October 2024 to w/c 2 December 2024
  2. Spring Term: w/c 24 February 2025 to w/c 31 March 2025
  3. Summer Term: w/c 7 July 2025 to w/c 4 August 2025


As of 2024, START has been running for 18 years, engaging hundreds of young people and supporting them further on remarkable journeys.

Of those who participated in the programme between April 2022 – March 2024, 74% were referred onto employment, education or training, 78% cited improved soft skills and renewed motivation to achieve future goals and 67% took part in further Young Lyric activity, and 75% of participants reported a sustained or increased ability to maintain their emotions and wellbeing after completing START.

‘START let me explore my interests without anyone judging me, I just tried everything! It was so validating to just be myself, how I want to be. START was like making a family- now I feel like I can do anything.’ – Participant, 2024

START is made possible by the support of generous individuals and trusts and foundations. Thanks to The Ironmongers’ Company, St James’ Place Charitable Foundation, The Souter Charitable Trust, John Thaw Foundation and one anonymous donor.

Make a referral

To make a referral for one of our inclusion projects, please fill in our form via the link below

Inclusion projects referral form