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‘FANDOM’ Monologue Competition

Have you ever met your idol? Do you imagine what it would be like to meet a living legend?

We are looking for budding playwrights of the future (aged 14 – 25) to write a monologue about their ultimate ‘FAN’ experience or moment. It could be a celebrity moment like meeting your favourite singer or footballer. It might be a moment with a political figure you admire or someone that is an expert in a hobby you have like a skateboarder or chef. Your monologue needs to capture your thoughts and feelings of this ‘fandom’ moment. It can be based on a real life experience or an imagined event.

If your monologue is selected you will win 2 tickets to the FANCLUB Convention Night on Wednesday 24th July at 7:30pm.

Monologue Tips:
-A monologue is dialogue written to be performed by one actor – usually in the form of direct address to the audience.
-Your monologue could take the form of a diary entry, letter or even a series of social media posts.
-Consider what the audience would find most interesting about your FAN moment – is there a funny incident that takes place or a case of misunderstanding?

How to Enter:
You can email your monologue either as word doc attachment or in the main body of an email to by midnight Friday 21st June. Please put ‘Fandom Monologue Competition’ in the subject box. In your email, you must include the following information for your entry to be considered:

Full name:
Date of Birth:
Address Post code:
Preferred email contact:
Preferred tel contact:

Terms and Conditions:
-All entries must be no longer than 1500 words.
-Entrants must be aged 14 – 25.
-The closing date for submitting your monologue entry is Friday 21st June – any entries after this date will not be eligible.
-You must be free to attend the performance Wednesday 24th July – no alternative dates can be offered. If you are under 16 years of age, you must bring an accompanying adult.
-You must make sure that the content of your monologue contains no derogatory or discriminatory language or themes.