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Young Lyric Classes: Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about our Young Lyric Classes

Q: What are Young Lyric Classes?
Young Lyric classes are a range of creative after school and holiday classes for young people to take part in. Classes include from theatre, dance, music, and disability arts. They are led by the Lyric and its partner organisations, (LINKED TO ) and all take place at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.

Q: Which age group are Classes for?
The majority of classes are for young people aged 0 – 25. Each specific class will have an age range that’s applicable e.g. 7 – 9 year olds or 9 – 11 year olds.  A small number of classes are intergenerational for adults and young people. You can see the age range of each specific class on our website and you can search by age to find a class applicable for you/ your child.

Q: What type of Classes do you offer?
We offer a range of classes which include art, dance, music and more! See the types of classes currently on sale.

Q: How often do classes take place and when?
Classes take place every school term for 10 weeks, there are no classes during half term.

Q: Can I get a bursary?
An average of 25% of classes are free of charge and all classes are £10 and under per class. For specific classes, we have a limited number of bursary places available which get filled up very quickly, you can check on the specific website class page to see if a bursary is applicable to that class- bursary applications open when a class is on sale, and all bursary holders for that current term will be emailed to reapply. Bursaries are prioritised to those who live within the top 50% of deprived wards in West London as a stipulation of the funding that supports them. Successful bursaries apply to that one term.

Q: How can I purchase classes?
You can buy Classes online, over the phone or in person. The majority of classes are only available to book ‘per term’ as opposed to ‘per class’ however specific classes may offer bookings per class or as trial space. Each specific class webpage will have more information if booking ‘per class’ is available!

Q: Can I gift classes to someone else?
Classes are booked for an individual and we require the participants contact details at the point of booking for registers and monitoring. If you wish to book a class for your child/ someone you know you should have their contact information to hand at the point of booking.

Q: What do I do if my child is unwell and can’t attend a class?
The first thing to do is to inform the Lyric of the absence on who will then pass the information onto the class teacher.

 Q: Does my child need to be a Young Lyric member in order to book a class?

No, classes are open to all young people and you do not need to sign up as a member with us. However, if you wanted to be a Young Lyric Member and receive £5 tickets to main house shows, to learn about performance opportunities and more, sign up on our website here or fill in a physical form in the Reuben Foundation Wing foyer.

Q: How can I get a refund on my booking?
Refunds are solely at the discretion of the partner organisation leading the class. For example if it’s a Dance West Class you are requesting a refund from, the decision will be made by Dance West. The Lyric and its partners first option is to provide credit to your account for the class booking if attendance cannot be made, this credit can then be used to book classes or theatre tickets again in the future.


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