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Lyric life

#12JobsOfTheatre – Lil Dickson, Head of Stage

Welcome to #12JobsofTheatre.

Over 12 days in December we’ll be telling you about 12 different jobs at the Lyric to give you an insight into the varied and vital jobs that contribute to the work we make.

Each of the wonderful people that are currently in those positions have shared how they got there and we hope it will be helpful to those thinking about pursuing a career in the arts.

Next up is Lil Dickson, our Head of Stage.

  1. In one sentence, can you explain what your job is?

As the Head of Stage I help alongside the rest of the production team to create the designers vision of a show. Making the ideas come to physical life. This involves building the set, putting the set together on stage and making all technical aspects of the show work. My job also includes managing crew and casuals. I manage the maintenance of a show but also the equipment that helps make our shows work. There are occasions where I work on the run of a show, flying the scenery in and out or moving set around on stage.

  1. What made you want to work in theatre and where did you start? 

I am Dyslexic and really struggled at school, I failed my GCSE’s and felt I would fail my A levels too, so I decided to go to college. When I was younger I used to dance on stage, but spent my time watching all the production team running around to make the show happen. I found a course that taught the basics of technical theatre at college, from there I went to university and got a degree in technical theatre. The course was broad based so I got an understanding of all the departments involved in making theatre. This really helped when I left university as I did a bit of scenic art, I follow spotted for a few years in the West End and loved it, I did fit ups and get outs at various places before getting a job as LX board operator at the Lyric.

Since starting at the Lyric I have worked my way across the production department, working really hard and become the Head of Stage. All through my journey so far, the thing that keeps me excited is every day is different and every show has a new challenge making the end result the biggest reward, and I helped create it.

  1. What is your top recommendation for someone who wants to be Head of Stage?

I would recommend finding work experience at local theatres, helping on Fit Up’s (building the set) or Get Outs (taking the set back down). The best way to learn, is to get involved and experience it all for real. The other option is finding people to give you a chance at college like me but that’s not always an option. So work experience is a really good option, it will also lead to casual work in the future.

  1. What is your favourite production at the Lyric that you have worked on and why?

I have so many favourite shows all for different reasons. I love panto, actually, I love Lyric panto, and we create it from scratch every time, the production team come together to make a beautiful show, so along with the performers there is always an amazing end result. However the first show I ever worked on at the Lyric was Ghost Stories. I LX board operated it which meant I had only ever seen it from the front. It was scary of course, but seamless. Whole scenes changed in a matter of seconds and it amazed me. We recently remounted Ghost Stories and this time I put it in and understood every physical aspect of the show. Being part of the team that made those scene changes happen in a matter of seconds was an honour. The adrenaline of setting the scene with a team of people against a small time limit is very rewarding and hearing an audience’s reaction to those moments is amazing.