5 reasons to see ‘Petroleuse’ at Evolution 2019
Petroleuse is a new piece about four teenage girls suspected of arson, and is the very first show of Evolution Festival 2019. Here's the team behind it with 5 reasons not to miss out...
1. It’s all about witty, clever & bold teenage girls who aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in!
2. It’s also about their feminist icons… (we bet they’ve got a few you haven’t heard of!).
3. It’ll equip you with a ton of feminist quotes to win many an argument – perhaps over drinks afterwards?
4. It will have you questioning: what’s the right way to achieve change?
5. It’s a pretty kick-ass way to start your Women’s History Month
Petroleuse will be performed on the 1 March at 7pm. Tickets are just £8. Click here to read more and book tickets.