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Lyric life

Company Freelancer Feedback

Freelancer Feedback Form

We really hope you had an enjoyable time working at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre. We are committed to gathering feedback from the freelance workforce and continually improving the experience of freelancers working at the Lyric. We very much appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide us. The information you provide will be used for the purpose of monitoring and improvement only and all data will be aggregated and anonymised. No decisions will be made or action taken about a person based on their answers to the questions. If you have any concerns please do email

"*" indicates required fields

Did you feel welcomed to the building and the team when starting at the Lyric?*
Were you able to find your way around the building and access spaces easily?*
Did the building and staff accommodate any access requirements you may have?*
Did you use your company discount in the Lyric Bar? What did you enjoy? What would have encouraged you to use these facilities further?*
Did you find the facilities available to you during rehearsals and the run of the show suitable?*
Did you feel that calls and schedules were communicated in a reliable and timely way?*
Do you feel that you were supported and given the resources in order to deliver your best possible work?*
Did you receive your payments/fees and/or expenses on time?*
If you had any issues with contracts or payments, was this dealt with promptly?*
Did you make use of the Lyric’s Employee Assistance Programme and/or Mental Health First Aiders during your time at the Lyric?*
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